Friday, August 3, 2018

Benefits of internet for your Medical Tourism

The medical tourism has many great advantages of today our life. Medical tourism is a developing pattern nowadays. The idea of getting medically treated, along with basking in the beautiful locales of foreign destinations at the same time can be exhilarating. This has started to capture the fancy of people worldwide, with India, Malaysia and Mexico being among the most favoured goals. Medical tourism provides cost-effective treatments that may not be available in the home country, along with the opportunity to investigate another place and culture. This blissful experience can go bad if the patient does not settle on an all-around educated choice.

The development of web is hugely responsible for adding a new dimension to the rapid expansion of the medical tourism industry in the ongoing years. This development has prompt simple online accessibility of confirmed and solid data. Because to this, patients have now become highly independent in a way to analyse, plan and arrange for a cross-border medical treatment for themselves.

The valuable utilization of web by the patients can help the patients with the learning about and subsequently plan medical tours in a great way. The data found on the internet is reliable. It is much more thane quicker than similar administrations being given physically.

·        Cost Estimation

Medical patients can without a lot of a stretch report the costs of different treatments and system in healing centres arranged in various parts of the world with the assistance of web search. The web contains a vast database of such information open from different strong sources.

·        Establishing Contact with the Hospitals

The advent of internet technology has brought within our reach, what could have seemed unreachable earlier. Contacting hospitals or physicians anywhere in the world is extremely easy these days.

·        Ease of Communication

With the progression of time, internet is becoming accessible to more and increasing people from diverse background and ethnicities. It is never again restricted just to the English talking populace, on account of the web interpretation specialist organizations like Google Translate, and so on.
It doesn’t make a difference in which language the information is available online. The patient can get a copy of the same information translated into his regional language. Conversing with patients who have taken a specific treatment before additionally turns out to be simple and helpful.

·        Evaluate Quality and Credibility

A huge number hospitals are available around the globe and claim to give quality guaranteed medicines. There are global bodies in which provide give accreditation to the different hospitals. This goes about as a certificate to substantiate the claims made by the hospitals. Accredited hospitals generally employ licensed doctors with the necessary qualifications. . These capabilities for specialists and rules for the clinics are made accessible over the web by the concerned experts.

·        Transfer of Medical Records

     The Manual maintenance and the transfer of medical reports and patient history is always prone to errors. Important information relating to a patient’s treatment may get lost or the given misinterpreted due to human negligence and therefore result in complications.

·        Booking Reservations

The different online portals provide flight and hotel reservation services. These go about as a middle person between the patients and the ticket issuing specialists of the lodgings and aircraft framework. A patient can choose from a number of options depending upon his/her requirements.
These specialist organizations additionally have arrangements for the patients to adjust or drop the reservations once made. The patients can without much of a stretch access these administrations with the assistance of an easy to use web interface.

Web has obviously turned into an irreplaceable piece of present day medical tourism. From reaching the specialist to booking the movement tickets, it does everything for you. In the event that you anticipate voyaging abroad for a restorative treatment, we prescribe you to completely abuse the web get the best administrations get the best services. For more

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Medical Tourism in India growing

       The medical tourism today high leave India developing. The medical tourism industry of India in 2015 was estimated at US $3 billion & is projected to grow to US $7-8 billion by 2020. Indian Medical Tourism industry is growing by 20 per cent. And India become in top 5 destinations for Medical Tourism & is set to become the top destination for Medical Tourism by 2020. India is the leading country advancing medical tourism in the world. It is even moving into a new area of medical outsourcing where subcontractors aim to provide services to the overburdened medical care frameworks in western countries.
         India offers a unique mix of indigenous systems such as yoga, Ayurveda and meditation and western medicinal systems like allopathy. India is one of the most civilizations in the world, and offers a wide variety of tourist attractions of historical and social significance. In addition, its stunning natural beauty overwhelms foreign visitors to India. It is one of those countries where you can see the best that the nature offers, snow-capped mountains, deserts, sea beaches, and jungles.
            With medical technology shooting at sky limits, India is no stranger to the developing compliances in this field. India number of talented doctors and medical attendant experts. Over the last two decades, the economic boom in India has led to the building of medical facilities & infrastructure that rival the very best that western medical Submit care that the west has to offer. The reduced cost and international quality standards in this field put’s India in the top three medical tourism destinations in Asia.

              Most estimates found that treatment costs in India begin at around one-tenth of the cost price of comparable treatment in the United States or the United Kingdom. The most popular treatments sought in India by medical tourists are alternative medicine, bone-marrow transplant, cardiac bypass, eye surgery and hip replacement. India is known in particular for heart surgery, hip resurfacing and other areas of advanced medicine.

                        The Medical Tourism in India is provided by the Travel India Company a highly reputed tourism. India is at its medical tourism top, with an expected estimated value of $ 4 Billion in rather than later and an announced 150,000 medical tourists coming to India in 2005, based on feedback from the Confederation of Indian Industry's part healing facilities. The Indian government is finding a way to enhance framework issues that upset the nation's development medical tourism by removing visa restrictions on tourist visas that required a two-month gap between consecutive visits for people from Gulf countries which is likely to boost medical tourism. The government is providing the “M-Visa" to outsiders coming to India for Medical designs is one such advance for the same.

      Then cost of medical treatment even for the real medical procedures in India cost comparatively 10 per cent lower than that in developed countries like US, and it is almost half as contrasted to that in Europe. Then India’s cost advantage will remarkably open doors to such developed countries over future. Government is keen to promote Dental Tourism, after looking at the share it is incorporates in India’s medical tourism, which is of around 10 percent.

    Top reasons is India becoming famous as a medical tourism destination Being one of the fastest growing medical destinations around the world, India is predicted to drive higher with time. Everybody can get tertiary medical treatment in India which is either not available or people cannot afford it in their home country. Here are 7 major factors which make India an ideal medical tourism spot.
  • v  Low Cost of Treatment when compared to the first world countries like the US and UK.
  • v  Getting Visas for medical purpose is much easier than ever.
  • v  Access to immediate service is what attracts the foreign medical tourists. Surgeries are done almost immediately.
  • v  Even though India is a developing country, it provides world-class and standardized medical services and care with the help of the latest technology.
  • v  Post retreatment recovery provided to the patients with therapies like Ayurveda, Naturopathy and Yoga.
  • v  India provides an opportunity to the medical tourists to visit some of the most alluring and awe-inspiring places by taking them on a medical tourist trip.
  • v  India has a strong base of qualified and skilled doctors. Another major factor that has made India succeed in inviting the medical tourists is the populace of good English speaking doctors, guides and medical staff which makes it easier for the foreign tourists to correlate well to Indian doctors. For more

Friday, July 27, 2018

Medical Tourism INDIA

Medical tourism is a growing trend these todays. The idea of getting medically treated, along with basking in the beautiful locales of foreign destinations at the same time can be exhilarating. This has begun to capture the fancy of people worldwide, with India, Malaysia, Mexico and etc. being amongst the most preferred destinations. Then Medical tourism provides cost-effective treatments that may not be available in the home country, along with the opportunity to explore a new place and culture. This blissful experience can turn sour if the patient does not make a well informed decision. The medical tourism growing number of tourists are flocking to India for the superlative medical treatment that is being provided by the skilled doctors. This has made India grow as a hub for the medical tourists every year.

It is a well-known fact that medical tourism in India is growing at an increasing pace.  factors that are fuelling growth in the sector of medical tourism in India. Current trends in the medical sector communicate that medical tourism is on a high growth path in they in Indian subcontinent. Therefore, given below are some of the factors leading to increased share of India’s next crown jewel i.e. medical tourism:
1. Quality healthcare at reasonable costs
With state of the art hospitals and healthcare technologies available in India at par with those found in developed nations, patients can expect quality healthcare and assistance for their condition.
2. Savings for the patient
Some of the developed countries like the U.S. require extremely high costs for major procedures like cardiac surgeries, orthopaedic treatments, etc. Coming to India and obtaining the same treatment reduces the patient’s costs by as much as 50%, without compromising on the quality of treatment. With comparatively lower hospital costs, patients visiting India are also able to afford better quality services like extended hospital stay during recovery and rehabilitation, which would otherwise be extremely expensive in their home country.
3. Bypassing waiting lists
A huge reason why patients from other countries choose medical tourism in India is the immediate attention to the health concern, where the same may require a long wait in the home country. This is especially true for patients with chronic conditions who have to wait it out with medicines in their country before they get a chance to be operated upon.
4. World-class doctors
Most top hospitals in India have physicians and surgeons on their board who have spent a considerable time of their study or practice abroad and are in sync with the latest technologies and procedures to be able to provide the same in India. Therefore, patients are the attracted towards medical tourism in India with the widely skilled and acclaimed doctor present in the sub-continent.
5. Customised approach
The hospitals offering medical tourism in India facilities to tourists in India today have a well-thought out plan for visiting patients, which includes comprehensive services that is range from obtaining the medical visa, preparing documents, arranging appointments and stay, to facilitating transportation for medical care and even sightseeing.

Medical tourismin India is becoming to more popular as patients are seeking better and the cheaper options for the treatment in India. And, in India has started to make its presence felt firmly in a medical tourism sector that was initially dominated by the developed countries like the US and Singapore to name a few. The medical tourism in India is dominated by some of the most popular medical treatments in the area of Cardiology, Neurology, and Orthopaedics. As well as the major cities in India are well connected by air and other modes of transportation, with all of the leading global airlines operating, Indian medical tourism is booming. They government of India has also recently relaxed visa norms and has implemented a new E-visa policy which also the proactively works towards increasing medical tourism in India. For more

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

E-Pharmacy in India

Today, with a developing populace and the evolving ways of life, rising weight of different wellbeing dangers remains the key test for a creating nation like our own. At that point giving simple accessibility of value to drugs and treatment treatments to even the remotest piece of the nation has developed as benchmark for driving the wellbeing division the proper way. This is the time when web has an urgent part to play in making the social insurance administrations open to all with shifted decisions and reasonable.

           Then growth of the Internet has given rise to various technology driven models, to access and serve consumers in a fast paced and most efficient way. One of the progressive technology models that have evolved in the last few years is telemedicine that has enabled accessibility to the finest doctors at the click of a button. Another recent innovation that has positioned itself as an attractive model in the healthcare space is E-pharmacy.

                 E-Pharmacy is one of the technology advancements which is likely to bridge this gap by providing easy and affordable access of medicines to the consumer at their doorstep at a mere finger click. Moreover, the concept will also provide proper awareness to the buyer regarding the appropriate medicinal remedies.

                    E-Pharmacy is one of the technology advancements that is about to create a huge demand in the upcoming days. In today’s world, when most of the products and services are conveniently being delivered to the consumers’ doorstep, there is a huge demand for access models that help patients and consumers avail the convenience of medicine delivery without having to leave their homes. As we all know India is the country of youngsters and they are spending more and more time on internet through mobile or computer. Due to the advancement of technology, access of drugs through Internet is very easy for common man. Same way delivery of desired drugs at desired place (at doorstep) is possible with this. The driving forces for popularity of e-pharmacies are time saving, money saving, 24/7 access, transparency, convenience, etc.

                    The variables driving the interest for e-Pharmacy in India incorporate rising number of individuals with neglected therapeutic needs because of vast populace and expanding entrance of web in both urban and rustic India. With the quickly changing buyer conduct in India, there is a tremendous interest for getting to an extensive variety of items at the snap of a catch, and at focused costs. It is normal that the e-Pharmacy model could represent 5-15% of the aggregate pharma deals in India, to a great extent by improving adherence and access to the meds for a considerable measure of under-served populace. E-drug store might be demonstrated as risky pattern in future if not controlled legitimately. Administrative specialists and legislature of India should consider existing drug store framework and drug specialists while confining the tenets for e-drug stores. Patients' security and nature of medication should principal while encircling standards. For more…..

Sunday, July 22, 2018


Today, there include three categories of online pharmacy. Here which include organized e pharmacy, non organized e-pharmacy, Illegal international trade through e-pharmacy etc. Then internet and developments in the space of e-commerce, patients can now online medical pharmacat the comfort of their homes. Whether you are in need of prescription or non-prescription medications placing an order has become quick and easy as a click of the cursor. And with most pharmacies having websites from which individuals in need of various supplies can conveniently make purchases, managing health concerns is even more comfortable.

In organised online pharmacy, medicines are dispensed by the registered pharmacists in the temper proof pack and here with the most advanced technology to aligned with their processes, they could keep track of each and every order. They can be preventing self-medication and drug abuse. In non-organized pharmacy, medicines are ordered without any valid prescription. Drugs are shipped across the international borders without any prescription and approval from the concerned authorities in the Illegal international trade through e-pharmacy. The e-pharmacy concept has been specifically notified in many of the largest economies also online pharmacy is beneficial to customers in many such ways such as Consumer convenience, Consumer access, Consumer education, Data records, Medicine authenticity, Transaction records, Data analytics, Industry sustainability etc.

 An online pharmacy model will enable existing pharmacies to start online operations. They serve a broader set of customers, or a network of pharmacies integrating to one platform and accessing a broader customer base while also ensuring that the inventory is consolidated. Online pharmacies have the technology infrastructure to provide value added information to consumers. Here which include drug interactions, side effects, medicine reminders, and information on cheaper substitutes. Buying online pharmacy also has the advantage of the allowing access to more affordable medication. Then online pharmacy of course, it may be surprising that these products are similar to what is available over brick and mortar stores but cost way less. Well, the mode of operation of internet drug selling sites exposes them to less overhead costs hence can sell at more competitive prices.


This is first group includes the pharmacy benefits manager arm of the health plans, which also the may provide selected services for non-members. Second, the online pharmacy may be a clicks-and mortar pharmacy, typically the online branch of a major pharmacy chain that has an actual storefront. Then several chains have purchased online companies as a marketing strategy. Online services allow 24–7 access, and easy comparison of products. This is especially relevant to the consumers who live in sparsely populated areas where there are no pharmaceutical services, and disabled people who have difficulty in travelling to the Pharmacy, among others. Increased consumer information and information exchange.
 Although this has led to increased illegal and fraudulent sites that sell fake products ridiculously cheap, doing your due diligence will go a long way in ensuring all you get are the right quality and safe for use. The development of online pharmacies has prompted regulatory and monitoring actions at the federal, state, and professional organization levels. The sale of online medications in the international system is potentially dangerous and requires international regulation. Here is an overview of online pharmacies, their potential benefits, the organizations involved in regulating these sites, and the major controversies surrounding online pharmacies.
The small sector of organized pharmacy retail in India would get a huge boost and a full industry can be transformed by leveraging the internet in a smart way. Internet-based transactions are well aligned to address key known issues in pharmacy retail. They track for authenticity, traceability of medicine, abuse prevention, addressing consumption of drugs without prescription, tax loss and value added services for consumer empowerment in healthcare. An online pharmacy aligns very well with national development objectives. They have clear and tangible benefit to consumers as well as the industry. It has been seen that growth of ecommerce and retail are complimentary and reinforce each other across the world.For more....


Today medical e-commerce has become important part of an everyday life.  Then E-Commerce is involves selling and buying services and goods via the internet, and a technology increases, more a businesses are conducting Ecommerce transactions to gain competition advantage. That same process of medical ecommerce. The medical world very easy, fast save the time of our life. It provides information about different offers on buying of product/medicines. It would also provide methods to change the quantity of products purchased and edit the cart. Payment could be made through cash or online using credit card payment methods. Then it is evolution in the medical Drug shopping, it minimizes the effort and save the time to buy the medicine. This methods using for computers as well as medical ecommerce which make use of various mobile devices or smart phones. The medical ecommerce takes into account not just the act of purchasing goods and availing services through an online platform. And The medical ecommerce platform are also all other activities which are associated with any transaction such as Delivery, Payment facilitation, Supply chain and service management.

E-commerce appears ready to assist the healthcare industry with its reengineering effort. The term e-commerce refers to a use of electronic information technologies to conduct business transactions among buyers, sellers, and other trading partners. It is combines business and electronic infrastructures, which allows the traditional business transactions to be conducted electronically, ignoring the physical or geographic boundaries separating them. Then medical E-commerce comprises business processes, technology, and collaboration among stakeholders and here in the healthcare field, e-commerce has the potential for laying the foundation for efficient and effective transactions between employers, payers, providers, patients etc. at very low cost.

E-commerce uses the Web as an infrastructure, which offers the advantage of providing a universal software client and a ubiquitous infrastructure the global Transport Control Protocol–Internet Protocol network known as the Internet that can serve as a ready-made platform. The medical ecommerce is an electronic marketplace designed to inform medical users about medical products and services. The ultimate objective of e-commerce is to either save future treatment costs by better educating users or generate revenues through sales of products and services.  There include two types of e-commerce infrastructures Web-based and EDI or electronic data interchange. Here the E-commerce uses the Web as an infrastructure, which offers the advantage of providing a universal software client and a ubiquitous infrastructure. Web-based e-commerce generally involves the use of a browser that interacts with a Web server that does the transaction processing. This arrangement has been commonly used for B2C-type transactions. In contrast, EDI transactions have typically been used for B2B transactions.
Nowadays, Ecommerce appears ready to assist the healthcare industry. E-commerce refers to the use of electronic information technologies to conduct business transactions among buyers, sellers, trading partners etc. There are two types of e-commerce infrastructures which include web-based and EDI electronic data interchange. Here the web-based e-commerce generally involves the use of a browser that interacts with a Web server that does the transaction processing, commonly used for B2C-type transactions. EDI transactions have typically been used for B2B transactions. The ability to lower costs, improve quality, and create access to services and information for all the consumers of care needs to be tested. There are nagging concerns about security, patient confidentiality, and technology expenditures, especially considering that the primary user interface is a browser.
They are expected to decline, making strides toward Web-based transactions. EDI combines business and electronic infrastructures, which allows traditional business transactions to be conducted electronically, ignoring the physical or geographic boundaries separating them. E-commerce has much to offer to the world and to the healthcare community. Internet infrastructure, coupled with B2B and B2C models supported by state-of-the-art technologies, would appear as perfect cures for all ills, some concerns should be voiced. E-commerce needs to provide measurable benefits, that is, there should be a perceived value in it for all stakeholders. For more

Friday, July 20, 2018

The Future of Pharmacy

The future of pharmacy has been an ongoing to some years. The advances in technology of all kinds, and their impact on the profession, are a serious concern. Within the advances in artificial intelligence and fuzzy logic and in logistics and supply we are must be concerned for the future of pharmacy. Then development of the medical technology affects every aspect of medicine and healthcare and an even the seemingly most remote and ivory-tower-like institution, pharmacy, cannot escape its transformative power.  The we are show bright future of pharmacies. In the world was plunged into a new reality and it is easy to imagine that the pharmacy professions would have simply been rendered obsolete.
The Healthcare providers are starting to realize that the process that long existed where physicians prescribed medication without discussing costs with patients or possible drug interactions with the pharmacist we must evolve to improve overall population health.
Over our community pharmacy journeys, we’ve seen a level of profit from the timely supply of medicines slowly dwindling, leaving less margin for a cross-subsidisation of essential pharmaceutical services. Then despite this, our supply workflows and management of the key business metrics largely remain in the same reactive and the inefficient. Then a pharmacy of the future will innovate to remove unnecessary time and in the money from the supply chain through predictive supply of pre-packaged medicines, on-demand medicine personalisation which will include 3D printing of medicines in pharmacies, and delivery of adaptive medicine devices that respond to individual treatment goals.

Pharmacy industry revenues are shifting from the traditional brand-name drugs to specialty drugs. Over the next four years, specialty drugs will account for 42% of the pharmacy industry’s revenues. Since more than and more of these products are being dispensed by a small number of large specialty pharmacies, community pharmacies must be strategically position themselves to handle an increasing number of these some expensive products with in unique clinical requirements as they are introduced into the market place.
As pharmacists take on more responsibilities, cost buy reductions must offset the associated increase in resource use. Then some healthcare experts are encouraging a system that reimburses pharmacists for these additional activities, and legislation is in the works that could make this happen under Medicare. This resulting revenue stream would create potential for pharmacists to bill and receive compensation for each activity they perform. Although this change may increase upfront costs, a recent study has shown that integrating a pharmacist to help counsel, oversee and talk with patients ultimately reduces overall costs for health systems and patients, lowers readmission rates and improves overall population health. The future of pharmacy new technology created.  For more….