Friday, July 20, 2018

The Future of Pharmacy

The future of pharmacy has been an ongoing to some years. The advances in technology of all kinds, and their impact on the profession, are a serious concern. Within the advances in artificial intelligence and fuzzy logic and in logistics and supply we are must be concerned for the future of pharmacy. Then development of the medical technology affects every aspect of medicine and healthcare and an even the seemingly most remote and ivory-tower-like institution, pharmacy, cannot escape its transformative power.  The we are show bright future of pharmacies. In the world was plunged into a new reality and it is easy to imagine that the pharmacy professions would have simply been rendered obsolete.
The Healthcare providers are starting to realize that the process that long existed where physicians prescribed medication without discussing costs with patients or possible drug interactions with the pharmacist we must evolve to improve overall population health.
Over our community pharmacy journeys, we’ve seen a level of profit from the timely supply of medicines slowly dwindling, leaving less margin for a cross-subsidisation of essential pharmaceutical services. Then despite this, our supply workflows and management of the key business metrics largely remain in the same reactive and the inefficient. Then a pharmacy of the future will innovate to remove unnecessary time and in the money from the supply chain through predictive supply of pre-packaged medicines, on-demand medicine personalisation which will include 3D printing of medicines in pharmacies, and delivery of adaptive medicine devices that respond to individual treatment goals.

Pharmacy industry revenues are shifting from the traditional brand-name drugs to specialty drugs. Over the next four years, specialty drugs will account for 42% of the pharmacy industry’s revenues. Since more than and more of these products are being dispensed by a small number of large specialty pharmacies, community pharmacies must be strategically position themselves to handle an increasing number of these some expensive products with in unique clinical requirements as they are introduced into the market place.
As pharmacists take on more responsibilities, cost buy reductions must offset the associated increase in resource use. Then some healthcare experts are encouraging a system that reimburses pharmacists for these additional activities, and legislation is in the works that could make this happen under Medicare. This resulting revenue stream would create potential for pharmacists to bill and receive compensation for each activity they perform. Although this change may increase upfront costs, a recent study has shown that integrating a pharmacist to help counsel, oversee and talk with patients ultimately reduces overall costs for health systems and patients, lowers readmission rates and improves overall population health. The future of pharmacy new technology created.  For more….

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